This was my first big street bike. I bought it in 1990 with around 6000 miles on it. It hadn't been used since the mid eighties, and the clutch cable was almost completely seized. I drove it home with the rotten cable, and immediately ordered a new one. "It'll take two weeks" the parts guy said. Great. I soaked the old cable in WD40 and gasoline, and then chucked the end in an electric drill. I spun the core with the drill until it moved smoothly. That kept me going until the new cable came.
A few years ago I drove it regularily to work, but I haven't driven it much since. I wanted a bike for touring, and while the 900 has the guts, I've never found a fairing or windscreen I liked, and the right sidecover gets hot enough to fry my ankle through my boots.
Last spring, I finally did something about it. I was seized with a strange and insatiable desire for an old GoldWing, and I put a want-ad in the paper. The 'Wing was the result.
Interestingly, my appreciation for the 900 vastly increased once I had the 'Wing. Since I was no longer trying to 'tourify' the 900, I could truly appreciate it for what it was. It still has less than 10,000 miles, but that'll change come spring...